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ASN-News, Russian Islamic Mass Media Portal.
Last Updated: 1 april 2005, at 04:00msk.
Today news:
15/03/2005. |
Last Uptated: 04:00msk, 1 april 2005. | |
. 04:00msk, US intelligence 'dead wrong' on Iraq weapons //afp
. 14:08msk, Dutch Muslim Women 'Face Racial Oppression' //iol
. 17:05msk, Chechnya's new leader vows to destroy rebels after contested vote //afp.com
16:50msk, US security firm in Kabul blast had high profile in Afghanistan //afp.com
. 15:35gmt, Four US marines die in vehicle accident near restive Iraqi town //afp.com
. 15:30gmt, Blast in Tel-Aviv. 2 kill & 42 injured //afp.com
. 17:00gmt, Labor day celebrations in Russia //rian.ru
. 15:00gmt, EU admits 10 new members marking Europe's new epoch //euronews
. 06:40gmt, Limited pullback to be completed by 2005 //upi.com
. 01:12gmt, 2 Militants detained in Dagestan //rian.ru
. 01:08gmt, Six Cosmonauts to Land on Mars in 2009 //mosnews.com
. 01:00gmt, 28 People die in mine tragedy in Russia //asn-news
. 20:10, Schumacher wins the first Arabian Grand prix
. 20:30, Russian President: Chief Mufti for All Muslims in Russia
. 20:25, Arrests of Islamic Radical Religious figures in Pakistan
In The Pressa
. Spy agencies compete to find Saddam secrets
. Combat leaves soldiers 'drunk' with fatigue
Views & Analysis By Md Fayyaz
. Almost 50% of school girls in U.S.A. become pregnant out of wedlock before they leave high school
. The Israelisation of America
. Israeli settlements around Jerusalem
. We paid for carnage of Palestinians
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