ASN-News| Russian Tatarian Islamic News Network
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English Editions
US intelligence 'dead wrong' on Iraq weapons
Dutch Muslim Women 'Face Racial Oppression'
Chechnya's new leader vows to destroy rebels after contested vote
US security firm in Kabul blast had high profile in Afghanistan
Four US marines die in vehicle accident near restive Iraqi town
Blast in Tel-Aviv. 2 kill & 42 injured.
Labor day celebrations in Russia.
EU admits 10 new members marking Europe's new epoch
Limited pullback to be completed by 2005
2 Militants detained in Dagestan.
Six Cosmonauts to Land on Mars in 2009
28 People die in mine tragedy in Russia.
Schumacher wins the first Arabian Grand prix
Arrests of Islamic Radical Religious figures in Pakistan
Russian President: Chief Mufti for All Muslims in Russia.
The American understood the Islam in Tatarstan.
In Cairo the employee of embassy of France is killed
In Cairo has passed demonstration to support of the Chechen Republic.
Powell in Russia. Commentary.
Communication Not a Problem for Taiwanese Pilgrims
First session of Russian-Arab business council starts working in Cairo
Michael Jackson has islamed
Almost 50% of school girls in U.S.A. become pregnant out of wedlock before they leave high school
Fire in Frienship University, has killed 37 people.
Muslims across Kingdom perform Eid prayer
Eid marked in Pakistan by calls for jihad
Israeli settlements around Jerusalem
We paid for carnage of Palestinians
The Israelisation of America
Airman charged with espionage at Guantanamo
Correspondent "Los Angeles Times" has die in Baghdada, Official.
Half Century Of Israeli Assassinations
Worried Muslim friends
Arafat Seeks to Change Security Chief
Pauperizing the Periphery: Two Decades of Neoliberal Policies
An Unholy Allaince of Christian Fundamentalists and Zionist Jews
Voter - not for writing
Within a few years a Christian crusade against Islam will be launched.Islam will disappear.
Revealing the fictions of American supremacy
More Than 900 Iraqi War Prisoners Freed
Franks tours Baghdad; Bush:
US Troops enter Tikrit
3 US marines killed in Afghanistan
Baghdad residents protest against US occupational politics.
Combat leaves soldiers 'drunk' with fatigue
Spy agencies compete to find Saddam secrets
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    English Editions


    ASN-News, Russian Islamic Mass Media Portal.

    Last Updated: 1 april 2005, at 04:00msk.


    Today news:


    Last Uptated: 04:00msk, 1 april 2005.

    . 04:00msk, US intelligence 'dead wrong' on Iraq weapons //afp

    . 14:08msk, Dutch Muslim Women 'Face Racial Oppression' //iol

    . 17:05mskChechnya's new leader vows to destroy rebels after contested vote // 

    16:50mskUS security firm in Kabul blast had high profile in Afghanistan //

    . 15:35gmtFour US marines die in vehicle accident near restive Iraqi town //

    . 15:30gmt, Blast in Tel-Aviv. 2 kill & 42 injured //

    . 17:00gmt, Labor day celebrations in Russia //

    . 15:00gmt, EU admits 10 new members marking Europe's new epoch //euronews

    . 06:40gmtLimited pullback to be completed by 2005 //

    . 01:12gmt2 Militants detained in Dagestan //

    . 01:08gmtSix Cosmonauts to Land on Mars in 2009 //

    . 01:00gmt28 People die in mine tragedy in Russia //asn-news

    . 20:10, Schumacher wins the first Arabian Grand prix

    . 20:30Russian President: Chief Mufti for All Muslims in Russia

    . 20:25Arrests of Islamic Radical Religious figures in Pakistan 

    In The Pressa                                                                                                                

    Spy agencies compete to find Saddam secrets

    . Combat leaves soldiers 'drunk' with fatigue


    Views & Analysis                                                   By Md Fayyaz                             

     . Almost 50% of school girls in U.S.A. become pregnant out of wedlock before they leave high school

    . The Israelisation of America

     . Israeli settlements around Jerusalem

    . We paid for carnage of Palestinians




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